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Channeling As Part of My Spiritual Practice
I often wonder what people think of the term channeling. The way I experience it, channeling is easiest described as being a bridge for a transmission of energy – whether that is a feeling or set of ideas. It might be an old, new or strange idea to you, but read on and I’ll tell you what pulled me into being a channel and share a message as well about each of us sharing our unique gifts.
Joy with Interdependence
There is a subtle line between codependency and caring for many. When you see others suffering, remember they are capable of finding this within themselves and your expression of joy merely accentuates the desire for that experience. Let them have their experience surrounded by love and compassion rather than any level of interference trying to shoulder their burden for them.
Navigating the Planet's Intense Birthing Process
We are currently experiencing a very intense birthing process on our planet - the ascension. One essential thing that helps to navigate the ups and downs, the intense energies surrounding us, and what we're going through as a society is to remember that it's a purification process for all of us and the earth.
What is this incredible cosmic ray?
Opportunity to access the blessings of new light rays in Winter 2023. Quan Yin lovingly shares how to integrate and open to new cosmic rays here to support the ascension.
Image credit: Osaka Metropolitan University/Kyoto Unversity/Ryuunosuke Takeshige
Stephanie Part I: The Secret Life of Shame
I was so young I don’t remember that day or the confident, happy feeling. It is safe to say that even today it is an unfamiliar feeling. The feeling of being an imposter, of not measuring up, of failing, and of self-hatred has occupied the vast majority of my life.
The Word You Never Want To Hear
Most people who has ever been diagnosed with cancer will tell you that they didn’t hear a single thing the doctor said after the word ‘Cancer.’ Among the many things you might feel the first one is probably shock. Even if you know something is wrong, even if you suspected it might be serious, you still might not have expected to hear the word cancer.
The Itch I Can't Scratch
This perfectly describes the last several months. The feeling that things just aren’t right, that it has just been a very bumpy ride. For me this has caused a tremendous amount of anxiety and a desire to eat desserts, smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol (all things I don’t do that much.) It’s like I have a constant itch that can’t be scratched.
Stuck In The Waiting Room?
Click here to access resources for your long hours in the waiting room