Our mission is to help others experience more love.


Laura Smith Biswas

Laura Smith Biswas, best-selling author of The Cosmology of Love: 70+ Ways to Experience Greater Love is focused on teaching tangible ways to love ourselves and experience more love and intimacy in our close relationships. Laura is an entrepreneur and mother of 3 young adults and lives in southern California with her life partner. She holds a MS in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica and a MBA from Yale University. Her personal journey reflects the healing of childhood sexual abuse, grief recovery after the early death of her father and two brothers, overcoming cancer, redefining spirituality beyond religion, creating a harmonious blended family after divorce, and creating sacred partnership. She is a channel and shamanic practioner who enjoys creating sacred ceremony and ritual to support the healing process. Laura is also the author of the companion book Affirmations of Love.

Stephanie Miller

Stephanie Miller, the author of Confessions of a Failed Perfectionist, has recovered from 30 years of eating disorders and personal trauma. She cares deeply about seeing others awaken from their shame and be relieved from suffering. Her experience as a healthcare market researcher and communications expert inspired her to co-found The Love Mandala. She is a trained meditation instructor and Zen archery practitioner. She works extensively in recovery communities helping those struggling with addiction and eating disorders. She is also the author of The Wisdom of the Kitchen Manifesto, Derby Poems and four coloring books. Stephanie is a visual artist and has been published in literary publications and seen in curated gallery shows. Follow her on Instagram @stephaniemillerartist.

We believe...



Love is the most important human experience. Love is available for everyone.


Love is something you create, not discover.


Self-love is the essential ingredient in every great relationship, whether with yourself, your spouse, your parents, your children, your lover, or your friends.


The heart has a natural desire to open, expand and receive more love every day.


The human spirit has an infinite capacity to love regardless of prior trauma, pain, or loss.


Most people struggle to experience love because they haven't identified their own style of love.


We can help.