Is there anything in life that’s more important than relationships? Have you ever noticed that when people think their death is imminent the most common message they have for those around them is I love you? It’s a topic that has spawned thousands of words in poems, songs, novels, memoirs, and histories. Even with all these words we still find our heads spinning as we attempt to navigate the rewarding, painful, tricky, and terrifying territory that we call ‘relationships.’
When there is a desire to do something that sparks your joy, it is meant to be brought into form. It is meant to be realized. What is the point of this generative source energy if not to express itself in your world, in your form, in your creations? It is the purpose of this existence you all share, to allow the light within you to permeate your being, that it may be enlivened and express its true nature.
There is a subtle line between codependency and caring for many. When you see others suffering, remember they are capable of finding this within themselves and your expression of joy merely accentuates the desire for that experience. Let them have their experience surrounded by love and compassion rather than any level of interference trying to shoulder their burden for them.
Discover how a recent family experience taught me about the profound ways we channel love and how it reflects our soul design.
When we embrace the intricate makeup of our being, and learn our unique way of weaving love into our daily lives then it really starts to shift things. In the integration of our various layers - lie signposts and signals as to where to find the alchemy of transformation.
Love is a profound and unique emotion, and understanding how you express and receive it can transform your connections. Discover your love superpowers – your natural and powerful ways of loving – through insightful questions. Uncover areas for expansion and experience more joy and fulfillment in your relationships. Love is created, not found; take the quiz to understand your unique ways of loving and start creating the love you desire. Visit and unlock your love superpowers today!
Opportunity to access the blessings of new light rays in Winter 2023. Quan Yin lovingly shares how to integrate and open to new cosmic rays here to support the ascension.
Image credit: Osaka Metropolitan University/Kyoto Unversity/Ryuunosuke Takeshige
Heading to Laura’s Invitation to Love retreat. I’m expecting to face transformation, which is sometimes hard, messy, and scary.
Back in 2015, I was struggling so much in my marriage. Lackluster might be one of the words for it. It wasn’t as if there was no connection. I still had a best friend in the relationship, but I wanted so much more than that. Over 20 years of raising three kids, being in two full-time careers, and building a business together, it all had a deadening impact. It really isn’t an easy task to maintain passion, intimacy, and connection with the standard modern model of life we have.
Come discover how to go to deeper levels of love. An Invitation to Love Retreat - July 2023
We all deserve to be cherished, loved, and appreciated for the unique beautiful beings we are — and that includes all parts of ourselves our hearts, our gifts, our presence, desires, the way we show up, our bodies (even in imperfection), our quirks and much more.
When you long for something more in your relationships or long to a new kind of relationship, it is a call to love. It’s the most natural thing in the world to desire.
Last time I shared about my battle with shame in my youth. When I entered the workforce, I discovered a whole new realm of shame and perfectionism. In the workplace, my perceived failures were now measured by more tangible things, such as dollars, promotions, and opportunities. No matter how I succeeded, I could always point to a peer or a friend who was doing better or who had succeeded a little bit more. This added a new dimension to my feeling of shame.
If you weren’t with us last week, you can catch up here. This week, I promised to share my biggest challenge, a secret I harbored in my body, that was like a monster under my bed. I managed to suppress it from my conscious awareness for a very long time, but fear was still present.
Our co-founder Laura was featured in ShoutOut LA this past week. Take a peek and find out more why her upbringing led her to create The Love Mandala.
Have you seen the infinity symbol before, how if you trace it, it flows in and out of its beautiful loop? It is a profound symbol and I discovered a unique application of it for myself recently.
I wondered how do I learn to live with an open heart, even vulnerable on a regular basis without feeling totally lost when I feel hurt or disappointed?
How do we learn to open the heart to more love?
When we think of love in relationships we so often skip over that super obvious one with ourself. Unfortunately so few of us have experienced what love in its pure unconditional form. As children, we have all either had others around us intentionally or unintentionally impact us in a way that left us wounded or feeling that love was conditional. This inevitably closes the heart where we give and receive love. One of the beautiful opportunities we have is to go within to feel our natural sense of love.
There are many facets to love and loving relationships no doubt and not one single thought is going to cover all of them, but what I can tell you is that your love for yourself is a foundation. There’s a saying that you can only treat other people about 10% better than you treat yourself. So naturally we are all in this together. Our relationship with ourselves dictates the quality of our relationships with others. So what if you decided to fall in love with YOU?
Some years ago Laura and I got into a conversation that changed both of our lives. We talked about how we can give and receive love in a way that will leave those we love with an authentic feeling of being loved. We also talked about what we could do to help people with this quintessential conundrum.
Have you wondered why some people have more intimate connections with others? What is their secret?
I’ll tell you a secret about intimacy and connection. A huge ingredient to success in this area of life has to do with the courage to be vulnerable. But easier said than done - right?
I often wonder what people think of the term channeling. The way I experience it, channeling is easiest described as being a bridge for a transmission of energy – whether that is a feeling or set of ideas. It might be an old, new or strange idea to you, but read on and I’ll tell you what pulled me into being a channel and share a message as well about each of us sharing our unique gifts.