What's your Secret?

I have a secret - a secret joy that not that many people in my life know about.  Do you have one of those?  Something that is really important to you that gives you purpose and fulfillment that you sort of do behind the scenes? 

For me, it is that I love to write and channel messages.  I wake up, grab my computer, meditate, and open to see what comes through.   I do this almost every single day, I love it so much.  And I guess it's time to come clean.  This is my joy and I share it with you in trust that it will help you find yours.

A Declaration of Living your Purpose - Joy 

Joy is the natural expression of your soul’s purpose in life.  When you are being that version of you, it is purely joyful.  That is why there are activities and even what your world calls work, that people find to be pure joy.  It is because it is their soul’s purpose to do that. 

This alignment is what many of you are seeking next in your life.  So play away and learn what brings you the most joy.  It will manifest itself so easily if you just play with it!  You do not need to analyze and figure it out. It is a natural outgrowth of who you are.  Just try things and take notes! 

Be a student of your joy and discover what purposes are your highest expression of happiness. Those are the ones that you increase in your life and tailor to your life.  Increase your time spent on them.  Allow yourself to do them and find the stream of unending support - resources, joy, peace and expansive living attached to them. 

Let me note that it is not necessarily doing anything.  It might be meditating on your life, holding the vision for another, walking in the woods, celebrating another from afar.  It is the joy of your soul to experience so much and you need not force yourself to do things. 

These things will come naturally. They will be the things you want to do.  They will be the things you wished you did more of.  They will open up to you like gifts - waiting for you to approach them and unwrap the joy they hold inside. 

So what are your joys and makes your heart sing?

  • What emboldens you to feel you are living the life of your dream? 

  • What seeks your attention that you have ignored thinking it is frivolous or not worthy of your attention but calls to you anyway? 

  • What is the secret thing that you love so much to do that no one knows about? 

  • What do you wish you could blurt out to the sky and say - this is who I am!

  • What longs to be in your life and partner with you?

  • What do you wish you spent most of your waking hours immersed in and loving every minute of it!?

That is how life can be if you will allow yourself to play with it, transform in front of your eyes. Trust that there is a purpose for each and every one of you.  A purpose that is so joyful that you will cry at the thought that you could do this ‘work’ filling all your time and enjoy this experience on earth at an unprecedented level in your world.  All of you.  We promise you.  Embrace the idea that it exists.  Have the courage to ask yourself what does light me up? Have the audacity to believe this world can manifest in your experience and you can be a part of it.


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