Psychedelic Trauma Therapy

I’ve been exploring healing modalities for my traumas for what feels like a lifetime. In some ways, it’s been an amazing journey to learn to transform suffering into empowerment, but not an easy one. I’ve explored getting help from a wide range of therapies including somatic experiencing, brainspotting, holotropic breathwork, dance/movement, art therapy, and more. One of the more recent developments that is taking center stage is the use of psychedelics or certain plant medicines like cannabis. The FDA has been allowing clinical trials and while it isn’t a new approach, it is having a burst of growth due to the growing legitimization of these medicines for mental health issues.

I was introduced to a new model called the PSIP model written by Saj Razvi. You can get a copy of the article here. When I read it, I felt instantly compelled to try it. It was almost magnetic in calling to me as a therapy. I dove in and did a number of sessions with Saj took a break for integration. Saj is now focused on training therapist and practitioners around the world in this new model. I recently continued the therapy using cannabis with Kerry Myers from the organization OmTerra. Kerry and her partner Steve do a marvelous job of applying the PSIP model for trauma clearing.

I’m sharing this resource because I found it uniquely powerful to access the levels of consciousness that are buried deep beyond the conscious mind and to clear the stored trauma energy that is trapped in the tissues and cells. I have seen nothing so rapid in my experience to move through the work. It also comes with it a strong call to integrate this newly recovered trauma energy and information with the remainder of ourselves. This is where it needs combining with other forms of support such as being witnessed, art therapy, IFS therapy, inner child work, and so on. It’s a wonderful thing to see the opening of new modalities for patients like me.


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