Everything is Perfect.

By Stephanie Miller

If you’re an entrepreneur you know how my day is going. If you’re not this is the perfect opportunity to talk about PERFECTIONISM. 

Inner Perfectionist is one of my oldest friends, she used to hang out in my ballet class when I was six and don’t even get me started on our Junior High hijinx. Here’s the thing, nothing that Inner Perfectionist is saying is untrue, but I don’t have to agree with her premise. So here are my answers.

Inner Perfectionist: I think there was an error in that last email

Me: It’s okay, I’m human

Inner Perfectionist: You haven’t finished setting up the Facebook posts

Me: They didn’t need to be done until now

Inner Perfectioniss: Why didn’t you do this sooner?

Me: I could of, but this is the perfect moment to finish this.

I don’t have to listen to the crazy voice that is telling me that whatever I’m doing isn’t right or isn’t enough. The trick here is not to be aggressive, the Inner Perfectionist is responding out of fear so I can just say to her, “Everything is ok. You don’t need to worry. We will be taken care of.”

So one last exchange from today:

Wise Friend: How’s it going the day before launch?

Me: Tired and stressed

Wise Friend: Maybe you could do a little self-care?

Me: I’m too busy.


Me: Okay, too busy getting ready for The Self-Love Boot Camp! I think I’ll go take a bath

And I did.

PS. Did you spot the typo? I did that on purpose to help her see nobody died.


Self-ISH Love


The Beagle that Never Stops Barking