Do you trap yourself in B&W thinking too sometimes?
I got a message from the universe a couple times this week. It said, “Notice your all or nothing, black and white responses to life and how it is shaping them.” OK, I used quotes to be dramatic, but although it wasn’t a voice, it was loud and clear. And you know what? I realized that I was cutting off so many, many possibilities because of this. Not the most life affirming choice! LOL
So what does B&W thinking look like AND what is the antidote to it?
It looks like:
There are only 2 options or outcomes to this situation: it’s good or bad
I believe I have to have it exactly X way or it is doomed, won’t work or is a failure
I usually have a dramatic reaction - (a sort of freak out in response to something not going the way I hoped because, I’m holding it in a way that is very rigid)
I can’t see other alternatives easily, so I get fearful or down
I haven’t even been curious about what else might develop
Proposed antidotes when you catch yourself doing it:
Be gentle with yourself, “ahh I see I’m doing that thing again… and life isn’t an all or nothing equation”
Relax and calm your fears, “it’s ok that I got afraid, but I don’t have to stay in fear, there are always many outcomes to any situation”
Consider jotting down the 2 extreme “good” and “bad” outcomes or options and play with making a list of what might lie in between them
Consider getting curious and asking questions (if anyone else is involved) to learn more about your assumptions and what you may have missed
Sit with the idea that infinite possibilities exist - breathe and choose to open to them
Remember you can’t always see the forest for the trees and choose to trust
These types of choices will loosen your mind and open you up to a more powerful, easy, interesting and... loving path.
Give it a go and and enjoy the new possibilites!